The CLOUD Act and What It Means for You, or More Importantly, Me!

The CLOUD Act, or to give it full nomenclature, the Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act, has been passed into law by POTUS 45. This little act has been touted as an update to the ECPA, or Electronic Communications Privacy Act, and ostensibly, this is the case. What is worrying, though, is the way …

Is Traditional IaaS Cloud a Dead Man Walking?

Traditional IaaS cloud—whether AWS’s EC2, Azure’s offering, or even a private IaaS cloud running vCloud Director, vRA, or OpenStack, to name a few—is in trouble. Now, that sounds like quite a contentious statement to make, but I feel the writing is on the wall. “What?” you may ask. “How can you say that? There are many …

GDPR Is Almost Upon Us: The Apocalypse Is Nigh

On March 12, we posted GDPR Is Coming: Less Than 80 Days to Get Your House in Order. In it, we outlined the penalties for a transgression that are available to the controlling authorities. One of our analysts asked a few questions, which were interesting enough to require their own visibility. We will answer each …

Impact of Scale on Security

At InfoSec World 2018, the vast majority of roundtable discussions were about people and process, with little mention of technology. My talk was about the impact of scale on security. There were several notable conclusions that can be drawn from the conversation. I was a guide or moderator, and the conversation went to places that …

InfoSec World 2018: Scale-Up, Scale-Out Security

At InfoSec World 2018, March 19–21, I will be speaking on scale and security. I’ve talked about scale in the past, and about the different types available. Join me at my roundtable discussion at InfoSec World, “G4 Impact of Scale on Security: An Open Discussion.” Bring your questions and an open mind, and be ready …

Perth Is Lovely to Visit, but It’s Not Cloudy: SD-WAN to the Rescue

On February 19, my colleague Edward Haletky wrote a piece on scale. In it, he highlights that scale is not just about 20,000 desktops and 3,000 virtual hosts. Rather, there are many other metrics that could and should be considered with regard to scale. I am currently living in Perth in Western Australia. Perth holds a …