Virtualization & Cloud Products

Our Virtualization and Cloud Product Portfolio follows, contact us with any questions:

  • SecureESX
  • Mentor on all aspects of Virtualization and Cloud (including mentoring of other consultants)
    Let AstroArch Consulting, Inc. mentor your virtualization and cloud personnel. Edward L. Haletky will mentor one-on-one or groups either remotely or on-site for your virtual and cloud environment administrators and other personnel as required. Ask us your tough questions and receive in-depth answers in an educational format.The goal is to educate your personnel while providing solutions to your current and future issues.
  • Problem Solving and Root Cause Analysis
  • Best Practices Healthcheck
  • Security Healthcheck
    Using a rule base of at least 1200 Security Rules and growing, we will assess your current virtual or cloud environment against these rules, best practices, security, compliance, and forensic concerns.The result of this assessment is a report and discussion on how best to improve the overall security of your virtual and cloud environments. This report is based on Edward L. Haletky’s work within the field of virtualization and cloud security.
  • Implementation
  • In-Depth Training
  • Security Training
    This 1 week course is based on VMware vSphere and Virtual Infrastructure Security, the findings of continued research, and discussion within the Virtualization and Cloud Security space.The goal of this course is to provide an understanding of how the virtual and cloud environments secure themselves, how data moves through the environment, and the unprecedented capability to build defence in depth. Lastly, we shall review where each type of security tool and product fits within the virtual and cloud environments to provide End-to-End Virtualization and Cloud Security.
  • Virtualization and Cloud Architecture and Design
    • Review of Existing Documentation
    • Writing of New Documentation