What is a vEXPERT PRO?

There have been some questions within and outside the VMware vExpert community about vExpert Pro. It sounds like it is a higher level of vExpert, but it is not. vExpert Pro, in short, is a program in which professionals assist those trying to become vExperts, those already within the community, and the vExpert program itself. The key here is “assisting.”

What does that actually mean? How can one assist the vExpert program, those within the program already, or those wanting to join?

First, what does being a vExpert Pro mean to me? I see it as a level of recognition for work I already do, and also as a formal mechanism by which to deliver that work. It is not about status. Pro does not give me more status. It should never be seen that way. It is a volunteer group of people who have set aside time to assist others. In many ways, it is yet another job—well, is it a job if you enjoy doing it? Philosophy aside, it is about helping others.

To be a vExpert, you need to set time aside to give back to the community. That can be achieved by leading, presenting, blogging, and other forms of writing—perhaps what you normally do during your daily job. However, to be a vExpert Pro requires setting aside more time than you might expect: time to help others (similar to office hours) via screen-sharing technologies and writing tools (such as LinuxVSM), time to mentor others, and time to help the program overall.

That is the big difference between a vExpert and a vExpert Pro: time and how that time is spent. vExpert Pros also spend time helping out Corey and team as they can. For me, this could mean helping Corey and team by answering questions about downloads or about access to software bits and testing of licenses and other new features. Or it could mean helping to aggregate requests to VMware into one place, which makes them easier to work on.

While I am in a country that has many vExperts, there are others still trying to become vExperts. Mentoring those folks is a big part of vExpert Pro outside the heavy vExpert populations. That is not my population, so I see being a vExpert Pro as helping fellow vExperts through troubleshooting sessions, mentoring, writing, tools development, and helping Corey and team as much as I can.

Each vExpert Pro gives their time in different ways. A vExpert Pro is not a better vExpert, and they are not an elite vExpert. Being a vExpert Pro means formally putting time aside specifically for the community. I see it as professionals helping professionals. I am not a recruiter. I assist others. Now, outside my country, I can see the need for recruitment as well.

The best vExpert Pros were already doing these things—mentoring others, assisting in troubleshooting, writing tools, etc.—and can set aside more time to do them a bit more formally.

The best vExperts give back to the community regularly. The best vExpert Pros help those within and outside the vExpert community give back to the community.

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